Friday, October 22, 2010

a few random things

  1. By the end of November, I think I would have seen Chinese films at five different theatres in Seattle - 3 within walking distance from my place (Central Cinema, Egyptian, Harvard Exit).

  2. About Windows Phone 7 - a lot of fuss has gone on about how there are only a few thousand apps compared to iPhone's hundreds of thousands. In the end, the ones that I need are there (OneBusAway, Foursquare, Facebook, Google Voice) along with some others that I use sporadically (Flashlight, Fandango, YouTube, Shazam, Yelp, Messenger). The only ones missing are the Seattle Times and Instapaper. If you're looking for a fart app, sorry!

  3. 125 more miles till 200k on the 1993 Honda Accord. Miles driven this month: 25.

  4. Miles biked this month: 250+

  5. I've spend a lot of time wondering how the insane "ramps to nowhere" interchange on SR520 at the Arboretum were intended to be if complete. I finally found the answer.

    The plan:

    The result:,+Seattle,+King,+Washington+98102&ll=47.644466,-122.297047&spn=0.005775,0.013937&t=h&z=17

  6. I live on 13th Ave E, but at one point it was to be called Randolph St.

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