Here are the results:

The other conclusion: Microsoft Excel has something against Thai people?
2010 Flown Miles:
4820 - New York (DL)
2062- Las Vegas (WN, JB)
4820 - New York (AA)
4245 - Cleveland (UA)
2010 Planned Miles:
13560 - Sao Paulo (AA)
13580 - Sao Paulo (AA)
4035 - Cleveland (CO)
38324 total miles logged in 2004
42998 total miles logged in 2005!
Only 9013 total miles logged in 2006... )-:
23389 in 2007 (plus driving across the US... twice)
46384 in 2008!
90069 for 2009. Ugh. Wish List
Be a winner. Give to charity.
Potential flaw as you correctly point out is the sample size. Given that "Sudanese" makes up 9% of your list sans Family, either you know a lot more Sudanese people than I do, or this list of "good buddies" is only about 10 peeps or so.
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