Wednesday, May 25, 2005

ohio savings

The Ohio Savings saga is about to end (I hope)...

May, 1999
Account opened as my primary checking account for when I was in Cleveland. Meaning... when I made money, it went to them.

Fall, 2000
Account demoted (First Internet Bank won out with the free checking with interest). Account balance reduced to $100.

May, 2002
I moved. I was able to change my address online! That's what I expect from online banking.

Fall, 2002
They "upgrade" their online banking system. Sure, the old system wasn't broken, but the new one featured more weirder workflows, tons of waiting, and less functionality. A step in the wrong direction.

May, 2003
Apparently a piece of functionality they removed from the web site was the ability to change your address. Changed my address over the phone. Sure, I'd rather do it online, but at least I could still call in and do it whenever I want.

May, 2004
I move again. Still can't change my address online. Now I can't do it on the phone either. I must go to the branch and change it.

June, 2004
I leave work early one day to get to the bank that's literally down my street. I like the convenience. They don't have an address change form, but the teller asked me to write down my new address and sign a slip of paper so she has a record of what to change it to. Sure, seems strange, but this is Cleveland Heights. Besides, they never screwed up anything like this before.

August, 2004?
I'm still getting statements sent to my old place. I leave work early and head over to the branch again. I ask to change my address. This time I get a form to fill out. Phew. Finally...

March, 2005
I randomly check my account online and I notice that I got charged a random $10 fee. I call in and the rep explains to me that the check I deposited recently bounced and that was the fee for a bounced check. I explain that the check didn't bounce and that I had already taken out the money. He said he would look into it. I leave him my work number.

April, 2005
After a few weeks of hearing nothing back from them, I check my account online. Looks like I got charged another $10. This time they really did do an overdraft fee (of $35 or so) because for some reason when I withdraw my money their system did it twice! They then gave me two overdraft fees which they removed. Good. Only $20 in fees instead of $90. Makes me feel loved. The rep doesn't have any resolution for the $10 fee, but be did say that he would clear out my old address and update my phone number.

May, 2005
Still nothing. I check online. YET ANOTHER $10 FEE. This is really pissing me off, as if it wasn't before. I call them again. No resolution. However, he does point out that my phone number isn't right. Didn't the last guy update it? Apparently not. This person updates it again. They'll get back to me. Sure....

A week later, still nothing. I call back in. This time the rep tells me that the $10 fee is a returned mail fee that I'm getting because my address is wrong. Why didn't anyone tell me this earlier??? She asks me to have it changed by going to the branch. I explain how I already tried twice and there is no way I'm going to keep trying to test my luck. She then suggests that I go to the branch where I opened my account to do this. She also says that if I tell my story I can get back the $30 that were taken from me. I'd better... On a side note, my phone number is finally up to date.

So on Friday, I'm going to try to head out of work early and get this crap straightened out. After I get my $30 back, I'm closing my account. I don't actually need the account. I more or less let them sit on my $100 out of goodwill. So much for being the only local back that I liked.

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