Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I just ran this 5k that the fitness center at work organized. Despite the fact that I felt like crap for the last mile (something with the allergy meds wearing off and asthma in a blooming park?) I managed to finish 2nd at 20:45. I have no idea how this relates to other times I had, but I did find the time for the first 5k I did back in 2002. I think I finished a good 1:40 faster... then again, that was in Pittsburgh with it's crazy hills and stuff. Heh.

Anyway, I'm happy I did it and I'm happy with my time. I might even do another race before the end of the summer... not till after my trip though. My cash situation is pretty dismal with the broken computer, random purchases for my trip, and then some likely obscene travel expenses after I get there. Fun. Good thing I can cook and fix my own car...

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